Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The English Language in America

This week Corrine explains why a monolingual America just ain't gonna happen. She explains the history, the reasoning, and some of the really interesting problems inherent to her mother tongue. Want to learn more? Listen in!

PS. Janet drops one eff bomb toward the end that I literally could not edit out. So sorry!


Much of today's references comes from Corrine's years of study in English and linguistics, and working in the English language field for the last decade. Other information can be found at:

Allaire, J. (1977). Foreign Languages and the Founding Fathers. South Atlantic Bulletin, 42(1), 3-10. doi:10.2307/3199048

Camera, L. (16 Oct 2015) Wanted: Bilingual Teachers. USToday. Retreieved from 

Dialect Quiz 

First Voices. Retrieved from 

Wilson, R. (2 Dec 2013). What Dialect Do You Speak? A map of American English. The Washington Post. Retrieved from 

Zong, J. & Batalove, J. (8 March 2017). Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States. The Online Journal of the Migration Policy Institute. Retrieved from

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